The ObyStack Game is a simple multi-player stack game, where players bid for a chance to win the entire stack of bytes.
To start playing on testnet, go to your testnet wallet, and pair with the ObyStack Bot using the following code:
The game is run on the Obyte network using the ObyStack Game Bot and the ObyStack Game Autonomous Agent.
The Bot monitors the Autonomous Agent's address for new transactions. It also handles communication with players, keeping them informed as the game progresses. The Bot controls the timer and notifies the Autonomous Agent (AA) when the time has run out and the game should stop.
The AA receives bids from players and adds valid bids to the Stack after taking a 1% commission. It keeps track of the initiator of the Stack (the player who made the first bid initiating the current game) and the leader (the player who made the the most recent valid bid).
When the AA receives the notification from the Bot that the game has finished, it pays 50% of the Stack to the initiator of the game (the player who made the first bid) and 50% of the Stack to the winner of the game (the player who made the final bid).
The first bid received by the AA after the game has ended, starts a new game.
See the ObyStack Game AA code in at:
The game is initiated by a player making a bid from his/her wallet.
The bot monitors AA's address and confirms the receipt of the bid while notifying all other players and inviting them to bid.
When the second bid is made by another player the timer starts. Again the Bot confirms the receipt of the bid and notifies other players.
If another bid arrives while the timer is still running, the timer is restarted.
When players stop bidding, the timer eventually stops and the Bot notifies both the AA and the players that the game is finished. The Bot then invites players to play another game.
When the AA receives the notification from the Bot the game is finished, it pays 50% of the current Stack to the initiator of the game and 50% to the winner of the game (the player who made the final bid).
The first bid received after the game has ended, starts a new game.
It is important to note, that the winnings are determined and payouts are made by the AA based on the final order of the confirmed/settled bid transactions.
The Bot operates using the order in which new bid transactions are made, while the AA operates using the final order in which they are settled/confirmed.
We expect that most of the time the order of bids will be the same between the Bot and the AA. However, a difference can occur, for example if some bids were invalid and never reach settled/confirmed state.
Every effort has been made to make clear that any pronouncements by the Bot are indicative only and not final. The final order of the bids and the winners of the Game are determined by the AA.
We have tried to make the game as fair as possible, keeping players informed of bids made by others, allowing the game to progress at a fast pace and rewarding both the first and the last player.
The potential difference of order between the Bot and the AA, adds an element of random but fair luck to the game.
The game's behaviour is governed by these parameters:
A user can interact with the ObyStack Bot with the following commands:
It is possible to participate in the game without the Bot by sending your bids directly to the AA, but it is not recommended, as you would not be aware of other bids and the timer.
To start playing on testnet, go to your wallet, and pair with the ObyStack Bot using the following code: